Historical Observed Summer (June - August) Temperature
Time Period:
1986 to 2005

Why is this time period used?This historical period represents the current or recent climate, spanning enough time to capture variations that impact productivity, such as severe droughts and cool seasons.More info.: About historical data

62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 °F
Location: none selected
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How can I use the maps?You can click and drag the maps to pan, double-click or use the +/- buttons to zoom, and single-click to select a location. When the side maps are displayed, click the side map titles to enlarge them.

Historical Average

To view a summary chart of all time periods, select a location on the maps above.
Loading the time series...
Complete time series data is unavailable for your selected location.
?About The Time Series

What does this plot show?The time series plot shows the historical conditions and the spread of future projections using two emissions scenarios for your selected location.More info.: About the time series plot

Location: none selected
Historical average
Spread of likely outcomes under reduced/moderate emissions

What does this range represent?This confidence interval represents the spread of projections across 20 climate model simulations with reduced/moderate emissions levels.More info.: About emissions scenarios

Spread of likely outcomes under current/high emissions

What does this range represent?This confidence interval represents the spread of projections across 20 climate model simulations with current/high emissions levels.More info.: About emissions scenarios

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