Climate Voyager
This tool is no longer available. See the information below for more details.
For nearly a decade, Climate Voyager provided future projections of climate-based risks and opportunities for agriculture, land management, and other planning purposes. After the server on which the tool’s data was stored was shutdown, this tool was officially shuttered in October 2024.
Several other tools, listed below, offer the same or similar data as was available in Climate Voyager.
- CAnVAS was developed by the NC State Climate Office to inform species status assessments produced by the US Fish & Wildlife Service. It uses the same MACA dataset as Climate Voyager and covers the same variables, including projections of extreme minimum temperatures and seasonal average temperatures and precipitation.
- The Climate Toolbox created by the University of California-Merced includes a suite of tools displaying future climate projections, with similar visualizations as Climate Voyager, including:
Future Hardiness Zones
Maps of future projections of changes to the USDA’s Plant Hardiness Zone regions
Future Climate Analogs
Maps of areas with a expected similar historical and future climate conditions